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  • Flyer's Landing sign
  • Decorative pictures, posters, and pennon on wall
  • Fiction section of the library
  • Reference and non-fiction section of library
  • Media center commons
  • Testing center computers

Material Request

Take a hand in helping the library develop its collection. Is the library missing a book that you would like to read? Fill out this form to request books and other materials.

Help us find books that you want to read!

Catalog Search

The Dixie High Library Catalog can be used to search for both physical and digital titles available to DHS students. If you need help or have any questions, please contact library staff for assistance.

Hours and Info

  • Hours: Monday – Friday 7:45 am – 3:15 pm. 

  • Checkout period – 2 weeks.

  • Students can check out up to five items at a time.

  • Remember, the library staff are here to help you in any way we can. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to help.

Book Shelf Reading Event

The library is hosting a reading event for the spring semester. Dixie High students can participate by reading one book from each of the following categories:

  • Historical or nonfiction
  • Romance or realistic
  • Horror or mystery
  • Science fiction or mystery
  • Paranormal or dystopian
  • Fantasy
  • Graphic Novel
  • Ebook or audio book from Sora

Participants will be invited to a pizza party after the end of the event. Students who read one book from each category will be given a special prize. Talk to the library staff for more info!

Utah’s Online Library Links and Information

Utah’s Online Library (UOL) is a resource that is available to all Washington County School District students from the state of Utah.

Students can access UOL by clicking here. When accessing UOL from off-campus, students will need a username and password. Please email Mr. Huddleston (gro.21khsaw@notseldduh.nived) for this information.  A video tutorial on how to use UOL will be uploaded soon.